Friday, March 1, 2013

Chapter 5

Emeline’s Point of View!

That boy is crazy! How does someone glow? And does he talk to himself? Did I say crazy yet? How about insane and nuts! Was I sent to an asylum? No, my parents would never do that. I felt my eyes start to water, I hadn’t been gone a day and I already missed them. I wonder how long its been, the crazy boy talked about some teleporter and a school in the sky. My logical side says that can’t be true, but hey! I am a human on and off switch!

“Are you okay? You seem to be a bit sad” Crazy boy or Alex said, tearing me away from my thoughts.

“Yeah fine. When are we getting to the Garage?” I asked, changing the topic from me. I don’t like talking about me, especially to strangers.

“We should be there....... Right about now.” He said right when a smell filled the air.

I almost gagged right there. The smell was something like copper coins and medicine mixed. The combination was putrid.

Alex started laughing his face off. I blushed as red as a tomato.

“What?!” I asked trying to look mean.

He looked up and just started laughing again. “Nothing its just your face! It was priceless! Does it really smell that bad?”

“Yes, you must not have a sense of smell.” I told him as I took a look around. The “garage” was a huge gym full of metal parts and machines. There were robot like objects and something that looked like a rocket. Littered on the floor were metal parts and projects that weren’t quite done. I nearly tripped over a metal square, that seemed to have no purpose except to trip unsuspecting strangers. I turned around and screamed. Staring right at me was a giant eye, a cats eye. Which is scary enough but this eye was taller than me! And I am pretty tall, 5 feet and half! I heard laughter behind me, again.

“Shut up crazy guy!” I yelled at him and walked away.

“ I am sorry! It’s just, your funny. You’re expressions are just soooo.” Alex was at a loss of words.

“Priceless? You’ve said that.” I informed him.

“They are! Anyways that cat’s eye is for some huge robot cat to guard something or another. I wasn’t paying much attention.” He confessed.

“Obviously.” I said.

“Are you always this nice? Or is this your brightside?” Alex asked.

“Oh no, I am all sunshine and smiles. Can’t you tell?” I told him while turning around so that he could see me smiling my most innocent smile. “I glow, like an angel. You said so yourself.”

“I never said you were like an angel. You’re far from it!” He replied.

“You guys are sooooooo cute!” Said a voice from behind me. I turned around and saw a girl with black hair and a boy with glasses and dirty blonde hair. The girl was one of those perfect looking chinese girls who are all skin and bones. Her black hair went all the way to her butt. The boy was a cute nerd. In his hand he held a notebook and a pen.

Alex turned to them and asked, “What are you guys doing here?”

The girl ignored him and turned to me. “Are you a jerk?” She asked with bright shining eyes.
I burst out laughing, what else was I supposed to do?

“Lin! You don’t ask someone that!” Alex said while looking a bit red. The nerd had started laughing as well.

“No, I don’t think I am.” I said while trying to keep a straight face. It was hard.

“Oh! Cool! Then you’re one of us! Guys! We have to show here our special place! The Grotto of dreams and lights!” Lin said excited.

“Lin! We don’t know that, and when did we agree on that name! It sounds stupid! I object!” Alex yelled.

“What? The Alex’s Amazing Grand Tour doesn't include the Grotto of dreams and lights? Thats a rip off!” I said and glared at Alex.

Nerd started laughing at Alex, Lin also glared at Alex. 2 against 1 or maybe even 3 against 1. Alex had to give in.

“Guys! You’re supposed to be on my side! Ughhhhhhh. Fine! Were going to the GDL. There! That sounds better." He said, defeated!

“Nope. The names The Grotto of dreams and lights. Right Lin?” I asked looking at her. She was hard not to like. I mean how many people do you know can come up and ask a stranger if there a jerk? And look so serious!

We walked toward the GDL. And I realized I was happy, with complete strangers. But I could feel they were real friends, I would follow them anywhere. How strange it is to trust people you just meet. It was a new feeling for me, one I didn't minded.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Chapter 4

“Hi, my name is Emeline.”
Of course I, ever the gentlemen, stood there staring at the girl with my mouth hanging open. Who wouldn’t when you see a girl who looks like she just came back from a makeover with a goddess?
“Hi. I’m Alex and I have an important question.”
“ Do you always glow?”
“What are you talking about you blathering idiot! She isn’t glowing.” Said Mr. Lucifer.
He actually didn’t say it but he can communicate with other people through their minds. That’s the little devil’s EXO. He’ll use it when you talk to other people to see what you are actually thinking. It’s easy to get round though. His mind is like a force that can enter your own consciousness and learn all of your dirty secrets. He usually only goes for your thoughts because it takes a lot more energy to see the person’s past, fears, and memories. It’s also useful for interrogations. My many detentions can prove that.
“ Ummmmm. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t glow.” Emeline said
“Sorry. Working with blowtorches and other very dangerous and bright tools makes you think that everything is glowing.” I replied.
Nice save Alex. You just saved yourself from 1 week of Mephoria.”
Mephoria is what they use to keep students in check. Mr. L searches your memory for your worst fears then shoves you into a Holo-Room where it makes holographic images of that fear. I swear its the worst thing that can happen to you. People have tried to commit suicide after only 5 minutes in there.
“No! Not Mephoria.” I scream out loud.
“Um. Are you okay... Alex.” Emeline says.
“ Yeah sorry. I guess gas fumes kinda mess you up a little. I’ll see the nurse after your tour.”
“Great. Lets get going.”
“Okay.The first stop on Alex’s Amazing Grand Tour is the building right in front of you. This is Home Building. It has your rooms and the cafeteria in it. The boy’s dorms are on the right and the girl’s dorms are on the left. The cafeteria is straight through these doors in the center. Our cafeteria is state-of-the-art. It is actually more like a restaurant than a regular high school cafeteria. You don’t have to eat here but it is recommended for breakfast and dinner. Lunch is recommended at the park.”
“Wow. This room is bigger than my whole school.”
“Yeah. My school wasn’t the biggest but it was nice.”
“Well our school is huge. It is floating in the sky so we have lots of space.”
“It’s in the sky? I don’t remember flying to get here.”
“Well I hope not. I didn’t make a teleporter that isn’t meant to be used.”
“You made a teleporter?”
“Yeah. I made it when i had a power surge.”
“What’s a power surge?”
“I’m not exactly sure but I do know that our first class tomorrow will be on power surges.”
“Oh. Good. I have no idea about anything that has to do with EXOs. All i know is that I have one and that I know how to use it.”
“Your lucky. I didn’t even know what my EXO was when i got here. Well, until I picked up a hammer.”
This whole conversation was taking place while we were walking towards the Academic Plaza.
“Um Alex.”
“What is this place?”
“Oh. I’m sorry I got a little sidetracked during our conversation.This is the Academic Plaza. It contains all of the classrooms and other learning facilities not including the GreenHouse, the Pool, and the Sports Arena.”
“Cool. If it’s such a big campus then how do people get around to the different areas?”
“You get used to it. That’s why our Gym class is learning how to use our powers for wars.”
“We do have a work-out area right?”
“Yes. It’s located in the Park. The school is split up in three sections. The Park, The Academic Plaza, and The Home Area. The Park contains many recreational areas such as an area completely dedicated to art and a music hall. It also is where our many sports teams practice and compete.”
“Cool. Are we going there next?”
“Yes. I hate the Academic Plaza. It’s so learney-ey.”
“Learney-ey? That’s not a word.”
“It is now. Now come on let me show you my favorite part of the campus. The Garage.”


Awwwwwwww. Thanks June. I know i'm amazing. I'm sooooo much better than your other "friends". So I just finished the new chapter. Chapter 4!!!!!! Cue the applause..... (cricket, cricket). Yeesh. Tough crowd. So i hope you enjoy the new chapter and June will put it up soon because I don't know how. Hahahahahahahahahaha! ;)